Mo Lowda,the Humble - Get Your Ready Coat On

Track: "Get Your Ready Coat On"
Author: "Mo Lowda,the Humble"
Albom: "Ready Coat"
320 kbps

Lyrics Mo Lowda,the Humble - "Get Your Ready Coat On"

You lay on your bed with the rays of the sunlight, red... Plucking grays from the side of my head. So like a dog, I play dead So I can hear what's behind your eyes... The cacophony in your mind. But you've been wondering where I spend all my time. You want answers but you don't dare to ask. We've been pushing and pulling like a fish on the line... But your fighting will's much stronger than mine And a penny for your thoughts only adds up to dimes. A penny for your thoughts is gonna add up to dimes. So get your ready coat on. I can hear you whisper in the early morn' And I can feel your presence even though you've gone away. ...

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Get Your Ready Coat On